James Porter & Shelly de Vito
USA / France
are the founders of Les Moulins de Paillard, a contemporary arts center located in the Loir Valley. They encourage exchange around contemporary thought through the production of works and exhibitions. As curators, they have produced over 20 exhibitions including Tel Quel in 2013, a solo show of Gordon Matta Clark’s works, Only Six Buckets for all this Water in 2016 with Claire Adelfang, Extracted Foreign Bodies avec la photographe Claire Chevrier et le vidéaste Ali Kazma in 2020 and in 2022 Doppelgänger with the Arab Image Foundation. They have several ongoing research projects of which Ergot du Seigle since 2015 and The Anthology of Fred Ott’s Sneeze, begun in 2014.
Les Moulins de Paillard is a non-profit organization recognized by the French state as an organization of general interest and Atelier de Fabrique Artistique for its artist residency program.